Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sons of Perdition or How to Surivive a Cult

       I have always been fascinated with cults and am very curious as to what makes someone believe so strongly that they will hold their belief to the very literal death, even against overwhelming evidence that their religion is a fraud. As frightening and sad as a cult can be, someone who has no beliefs is even more frightening. This idea is dealt with in a very interesting way in our documentary for this week, Sons of Perdition.

    Sons of Perdition is a film about the children who are excommunicated from an offshoot of the Mormon church called the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints or FLDS. This group is led by a man named Warren Jeffs who is infamous for promoting polygamy and underage marriage/rape.
 Even though Jeffs was sent to prison in Texas in 2008, the FLDS is still alive and well in many states including Colorado, Utah, South Dakotah and Arizona. In addition, according to a documentary put out by CNN in 2012, Jeffs is still leading the FLDS from prison. Jeffs and other leaders of FLDS hold the community to a very strict standard. They hold their power through property and especially by using women as property. If they feel that a particular male in the community is doing what they believe he should they will reward him with a wife. If he continues to do well they will give him another wife, but if he fights any of the teachings of the leaders, they will remove that wife and any children she may have and give them to another man. Further, most of the property that these families live on is owned by Jeffs and the FLDS. It is leased/given to them, but can be taken back at any time if the men of the household do not toe the line. The children are given no privileges whatsoever. Many of them do not receive a good education and cannot read or do basic math. They are prevented from dating or even being in the same room as a member of the opposite sex that is not a family member. Similarly they are not allowed any form of entertainment. No music. No movies. No books. If you are caught repeatedly doing any of these things you will be excommunicated at a very young age (usually 13 - 17) and are banned from seeing your family. If your family (Often 20+ people in your immediate family) does not force you to leave they can lose their livelihoods and their homes. Over 100 children are excommunicated every year.
     This documentary follows the lives and tribulations of these children as they attempt to navigate the outside world. The sad thing is that they really want to try and live a responsible life, but they're so confused about what to believe. They have had every one of their beliefs destroyed and now they have no sense of moral guidance. They want to work or go to school but they have no place to live. Many of them believe they are going to hell and since there is no longer any redemption for them they become very hedonistic.   They often end up on drugs and on the street. Many of them die of overdose.
     I would definitely suggest this documentary to anyone who is interested in cults and to those who are looking to help these unfortunate kids.
    For those who are interested I am adding a few links on further information about FLDS.

Warren Jeffs says that FLDS couples are no longer to have sex. 15 "chosen" men will father all the children in the community.

Reddit AMA: FLDS 'Lost Boy'

YouTube: Some of Jeff's Teachings

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