Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jesus Camp Revisited

      Hannah chose Jesus Camp (2006) for us this week. I first saw this film when it came out. I didn't like it much then, and I like it even less now. The film is made in such a way as to be very hypocritical about the things we teach our children and left me with the question, why is this considered so wrong?
    This film, for those who have not seen it, documents children and families from Missouri, visiting a weekend summer camp in North Dakota. The weekend is for children and is mostly taught by a woman named Becky Fischer, an outspoken, pro-life, conservative Christian. The film showed several things that were controversial including children moved to tears "by the Spirit", speaking in tongues, and praying for the former President George Bush. This film was, and to some extent still is, extremely controversial. People felt that the children shown were being "indoctrinated" and otherwise brainwashed by the pastors and parents involved. One quote at the end of the film claimed that the camp was creating a "child army for the republican party".
    To be fair, many of these claims, though exaggerated, are true. One man's "teaching" is another man's "indoctrination" which then a social worker might claim is "brainwashing". It is true that the things taught were certainly on the edges of what is considered "evangelical Christian" and many prominent evangelical christians feel that  the theology practiced by the people in this film is poor at best.  Ted Haggard, the infamous former evangelical pastor, who eventually admitted having sex with, and buying methamphetamine from, a male prostitute, is featured in the film, though his exploits are not mentioned in the film. He actually had nothing to do with the Jesus Camp or any of those involved in the film so I am not sure why they chose to include him.
    After seeing this film, I was left with one significant question. So what? Why should we be so upset about this? Why is this controversial? Children everywhere are taught things by their parents. In fact, they quite literally cannot avoid learning things from their parents. These children are taught a religious system that actively promotes the idea of a higher power and that we will be responsible to that higher power when we leave this earth. They are taught that prayer has power and that those in power will need prayer to make wise decisions. The children of "hippies" on the other hand are taught equally controversial things. They are taught or otherwise learn a disrespect for government and authority in general. They are taught that certain kinds of drug use is ok, and that there is no way to know that anything is actually morally wrong. They are taught veganism as the only ethical way to eat and that terminating a pregnancy is sometimes a necessity. I could go on about the things that are taught in public schools, but I won't because my point is not to disagree with these teachings but to rather point out that these things are largely lifestyle choices and opinions that are taught. These things are all opinions, and choices about the way people decide to live their lives. Furthermore these opinions and lifestyle are innately political. You cannot live your life as a vegan without making a political statement about how you view society, equally you cannot homeschool your children or be a Christian without making a political statement. All of these actions say things about you and your beliefs and like it or not people will notice and will evaluate you accordingly. Liberals teach their children one way and conservatives teach their children another and both groups are equally shocked and offended about the how and the what.
     This would be a completely different discussion if the children were being harmed. As a society we need to step in 100% of the time that there is abuse involved in these situations. In reality, these children grow up and when they are mature enough they make their own decisions about what they believe. As it turns out these kids have ended up being just fine. Levi O'Brien is now 20 and is still a Christian.

Check out his Facebook page. He also has many other videos available on YouTube. Rachael Elhardt was more difficult to find but you can see her Facebook page here. Tory Binger apparently does not have a Facebook profile but here is a followup blog from when she was 16. So with abuse as the line in the sand, I want to know why Jesus Camp brought on a wave of negative reactions, to the point that they closed the camp while Sons of Perdition goes on without almost any reaction at all. In fact it is mainly these same Christians who do the most to help the Sons. Let's Think Critically.


1 comment:

  1. It's not just "opinion" and "lifestyle" questions. it is critical thinking (surprise) that is lost when emotion is used to guide conduct. Remember Nurenberg rally of 1935 in Triumph of the Will or "Lock her up" chants. That's like "praise the lord" and speaking in tongues. shortcircuits for the brain. And tragic for kids who need to know and understand science, the tool that rescued us from the middle ages.
